Attacking Child Jesus and three Christmas Myths: Dangerous Timing, Cultural Baggage and Flawed Title!

  1. Dangerous Timing. You could already know that the winter solstice was celebrated because the beginning of Tammuz, conceived by Semiramuz and Nimrod (Google). Shepherds weren’t “abiding within the fields” in winter. Biblical clues assist Christ’s beginning within the fall on the Feast of Tabernacles. It is an 8-day commemoration of Israel’s sojourn within the wilderness that additionally matches Christ’s “tabernacling” with us. Described in Leviticus 23, it had a particular give attention to the first and eighth day. From a Christian view, Christ was born on the primary and circumcised on the eighth day as each Jewish boy was.

  2. Dangerous Baggage. A Fifth-grader requested his trainer what Jeremiah meant: “Study not the best way of the heathen… The customs of the persons are useless… One cuts a tree out of the forest… They deck it with silver and with gold.” Jeremiah 10:2-4. The one birthday celebrations within the Bible have been dangerous occasions. John the Baptist was beheaded at Herod’s birthday celebration and a baker was hanged on Pharaoh’s birthday. Perhaps we should always cease celebrating ourselves. Kids can have a wholesome vanity with out an ego journey that makes them self-centered and the main focus of the whole lot.

  3. Dangerous ID. The title of Jesus is phony! There was no “J” letter in Greek or Hebrew, so it might’t be proper. Christ gave us a significant clue when He mentioned, “I’m are available my Father’s title and also you obtain me not. If one other shall are available his personal title, him you’ll obtain.”

    If the Father’s title was Zeus, then they are saying Christ’s title proper in Italy after they pronounce it as “Yea Zeus” (Iesous). In Latin America, they pronounce it as “Hey Zeus.” We are saying Gee Zus. However the Father’s title was not Zeus-the god of Greek mythology that saved everybody without having of repentance. God saves, however we should be prepared to repent.

    Philosophically, Jesus fills the invoice for billions of people that mystically wish to be saved, however who’ve no real interest in repenting of their deeds; it is human nature to love our sins. The cross means to reckon ourselves useless to sin and alive to Christ-totally international to too many “Christians”!

    Assist for the above idea is present in Acts 13:6,8 the place Bar-jesus means sorcery. “Bar” means son of-so Jesus is son of sorcery. To know how this title received into the Bible because the Savior’s title, we should always ask the Jesuits. Their title means the Society of Jesus and the Vatican, a phrase which means “divining serpent,” worships Lucifer as the daddy of Jesus, For higher understanding of Christ’s true title, go to )

So what will we do? We will not dwell in a vacuum. We must always change what’s “dangerous” above with what’s good. The Feast of Tabernacles (and all of the “appointed occasions” of Leviticus 23) weren’t solely commemorative however prophetic and subsequently instructive for us. Not solely did Israel go away Egypt to dwell in cubicles or tents within the wilderness, however the apostle Paul mentioned, “All these issues occurred unto them for examples and they’re written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come.” 1Corinthians 10:1,11.

Re the end-times, Paul mentioned, The day of the Lord comes as a thief within the night time with sudden destruction… as travail on a lady with youngster. 1Thessalonians 5:1-6. We ought to be anticipating a sudden calamity as a pretext for martial (army) legislation and the lack of freedom. That is in all probability what Christ meant when He warned us to flee once we see the abomination “standing the place it ought not,” Mark 13;14

“Standing the place it ought not” is what we see with SWAT groups beating doorways down and verify factors in order that one can not journey with out “present me your papers” (Nazi Germany). We’re not removed from that, and Christ mentioned to flee. Those that do not might grow to be topics to Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages-words beneath the pyramid on our $1 invoice). Fleeing to rural areas will not be simple, so possibly we should always give it some thought earlier than occasions take us abruptly as Scripture implies it is going to for many…

Source by Richard Ruhling

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