Does The Bible Embody Hidden Egyptian Mythology?

Whats up Hunters,

I began on a path trying into if Osiris had any similarities to Jesus, seems probably not loads, the story of Jesus is pretty distinctive. Nevertheless taking a look at Egyptian Mythology as an entire it does share loads with Biblical themes and folks.

On this video attempt to debunk what not appropriate concerning the hyperlinks between historical texts and the Bible and likewise define what’s.

JJ xx

#egypt #timeline #bible #osiris #horus #jesus


31 thoughts on “Does The Bible Embody Hidden Egyptian Mythology?”

  1. Remember God asked Abraham to walk away from Ur and quit on worship several gods ! So means the ancient buildings were inhabit after the flood then how do you explain tge pyramids and puma kumpu platforms in Bolivia, why Christ walked on water?

  2. It is possible that the Jewish people are the descendants of the ancient peoples of the fertile crescent who predated the Egyptian culture and that is where a lot of their mythologies and traditions stem from.

  3. I think it needs to be known that most biblical stories are reused/edited retellings of "known" stories that were collected for their ability to teach lessons(like a text book). This was the easiest way to bring people of all kinds into one joint/shared religion. The bible refers to Deity as GOD to avoid having to name any specific names. The old testament tells us that we are not good enough to use the Lords true name= another way of keeping biblical writers from having to attach a specific name (like the traditional YhWh)to stories.

  4. Jahannah I would like to encourage you to look a lot deeper into the Sumerian tablets.
    They give the historical accounts of the creation of humans and the rise of cities.
    The Egyptian stuff isn't separate from Sumerian.
    Osiris is Enki.
    Ra is Marduk.
    Set is Enlil.
    The Sumerian tablets talk about pyramid wars. They talk about Marduk getting banished from Chem/Egypt. He and Enki/Osiris go to the lands up north.
    Up there they were called Thor and Odin.
    These stories and civilizations weren't separated by the lengths of time the bonehead archeologists try to tell us.
    The creators of humanity walked the Earth, they interacted with their human creations. They traveled all over the planet.
    The 10th and 11th tablets of Enki talk about Enki having a spiritual vision from the creator god of the universe.
    Even our creators believed in a higher power

  5. Wow I’m glad I found your channel! So refreshing to watch. You are natural on the camera! I love adventure and it seems you have a lot! Thanks Jahannah for sharing! I’ll probably binge watch a lot of your videos to catch up. Great content! 🙂🙂🙂

  6. Another awesome video by Jahanah.. the revelation of how and where free masonary came from was fascinating, never heard that before.. looking forward to many more videos! 😊

  7. I would have to agree but the problem is with most advanced civilizations religion always gets in the way I suppose if we was really enlightened and advanced to the point we should be we would know that religion is a bit of a force we would think there is nobody better than us because we know everything if you get my drift

  8. Noone gonna comment that the story of Noah and of Moses are from the same book (genesis) and one time you say it's from 3rd century BC and then the 6th century BC? But actually the book of Moses was written around 1500 BC.

  9. Jesus and his story definitely hijacked, he was showing us how to "ride the bike" and instead the powers that be gave us a manual how but intentionally altered info so you can't.
    Freemasons worship Lucifer, they do good for people 10% and commit evil 90% so they can say"How dare you" if you accuse them (Vatican;kids) need I say more. I would like to add Jesus message to forgive and love thy neighbor as you do yourself and this is the secret for Eternal life.

  10. If one looks at scripture with current knowledge of science, technology and assumes aliens may have existed… then the three wise men may have followed a spacecraft to Bethlehem. For the immaculate conception – Mary may have been artificially inseminated, and Jesus walking on water may have been a demonstration of some anti-gravity stuff.
    The writers of the bible didn't know what they were seeing, and tried to convey it to us. The painters of cave walls, and ancient sculptors sure put a lot of wings on stuff… to indicate they're (aliens) from the sky – like birds. We just need to understand how they would convey these ideas to future viewers of their messages.
    And yes…I always thought I was a legend.

  11. Okay just gotta point out the religious christian thing not supposed to be an self effort thing, its the total opposite. Faith is basically trusting someone to do something for you while u do nothing. Self effort belief is not the same. Its all about trusting urself instead of entrusting someone to do something for u. Just wanted to point that out. But within christianity there been a lot of chaos as well. A good portion of it, is not what it suppose to be. self effort stuff for example. It doesnt make sense in the full picture.

  12. No such thing as religion it was invented for control money and power. Tell me religion does not have these things? They were created in each country for those involved to have all the above that's why there is different religions. Just like YouTube.. people saw you made money many more started doing it… i don't understand why they want to hide the truth of the past because one day it will all come out anyway eventually or another wipe out event will happen. Thankyou

  13. Well said Sister. Keep up the good work. I am sure you know, start from the beginning and work forward from there to see what happened along the way. Starting from 'here' and working backwards will lead you into more scattered content then you may wish to process. The Bible was a metaphor for a group of people that had no understanding of things that extended beyond their current beliefs. This is why Jesus instructed us to search the 'scriptures' daily. Scriptures directly translated means ' written word'. Not just what the local priest had for you to read, and no restrictions on what was considered evil, but 'all of it'. If you were trained from birth, you would pick out the correct path to reach perfection through morality. Most people think they know how to get to heaven, and that God speaks within them, but they don't even know how to pray. So sad for us what the Aliens did to us. Good or bad, they should have left us ALONE.

  14. Thanks for filtering the internet. Many new references for me, specially regarding Egypt. Our 'official' worldview doesn't add up, and only by puzzling back through available evidence, we can learn the truth.

  15. Check out CS Lewis' Myth Became Fact. Here's a qoute:

    Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth: a myth working on us the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference that it really happened: and one must be content to accept it in the same way, remembering that it is God’s myth where the others are men’s myths: i.e., the Pagan stories are God expressing Himself through the minds of poets, using such images as He found there, while Christianity is God expressing Himself through what we call 'real things'.

    The work of Louis Markos takes Lewis work even further with books like From Achilles to Christ: Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics

  16. One of my two degrees was a Religion degree. Heavy emphasis on Christianity, but some classes touched on Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. (after two failed attempts at seminary school, I showed up for a 3rd try and they just let me graduate if I promised not to practice religion in the state of Florida) Since I got to do and read things 3 times over 3 years I started to notice some similarities, and I started thinking “What if Jesus was extra terrestrial?” And, hence 2 failed attempts at seminary school. It was brought up in class some of the “borrowed” stories in the Bible that seemed to have pagan, Egyptian and other religions. Could just be history repeating itself, but it is interesting. Or we could go with my mom’s theory that the Bible is just an epic novel where the hero dies at the end.
    (She wasn’t the best Christian in the world…)

  17. Goodness, I stumbled into that weird corner of youtube again. I did listen a little to your opining (??) to better understand what goes for it nowadays, and thus I chose to leave this comment for your "makebenefit" as Borat would have said it:

    1) When you speak of "Bible" you seem to speak of the "New Testament", which is a product of the 4th century AD council of Nicea and has nothing much to do with the actual Jewish Bible;

    2) The cult of Jesus as we know it is the syncretic product of marrying several Roman cults, with most elements coming from the cult of Apollo Mythras – who was indeed a killed and then resurrected to atone for the sins of the world, and whose worship included sacrament when vine is transformed into Mithras' blood, and whose day is Sunday (for the Sun-god – get it??), and whose birthday festival was indeed December 25 and who indeed had a halo because of him being the Sun-god, and the list goes on and on… In fact, the majority of scholars and even Christian seminary students know most of this well. Sorry to disappoint you but there is no Egyptian connection there, except, of course, for the fact that most Roman cults were adopted from preceding Greek pantheistic religion, which in its own stead borrowed heavily from other middle-eastern cults, including those of Egypt. And, yes, pretty much EVERY Middle-eastern god was killed and resurrected either once or annually, so no direct Osiris connection there, or rather the pattern that most of those religions followed, including that of Osiris and Mithras is the same pattern.

    Do yourself a favor and as the saying goes – try not to take heavy into hands and stupid into head! Do not rely on "checking out" that dumpster of garbage info called internet. Pretend you were attending a university and go for the original sources, i.e. peer-reviewed studies and well-established monographs.

    If you are interested in the subject matter, you may start with the following books in no particular order:
    – Harold Bloom "Jesus and Yahweh"
    – Harold Bloom "The Shadow of the Great Rock"
    – Harold Bloom and David Rosenberg "The Book of J"
    – David Rosenberg "Abraham, The first historical Biography"
    – Simon Schama "The Story of the Jews"
    – Robert Alter "The Hebrew Bible" (New translation)
    – Irvin Finkel "The Ark before Noah".

    And, of course, that inimitable masterpiece of non-fiction that is so difficult to read for most students of philosophy and anthropology yet so satisfying once you get past the first hundred pages:

    – " Hamlet's Mill: An Essay investigating the origins of human knowledge and its transmission through myth" by Giorgio de Santilliana and Hertha Von Dechend.

    I do not know what your educational attainment level is beyond the Sunday school you mentioned, but I'd suggest getting a BA could be a good first step… Cheers!


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