Egyptian Cosmogony Documentary

Ra: Path of the Solar God (1990) The primary a part of the movie is given over to the Egyptian Genesis. The Egyptians had many gods and goddesses and creation myths. Ra brings these myths collectively in a single model and concentrates on the story of Osiris and Isis and their battle with their evil brother Set. Half two exhibits the intertwining of the world of the gods with that of the Divine Pharaoh, whom the traditional Egyptians believed to be the son of the Solar God Ra. The lifetime of the Divine Pharaoh is depicted as a journey by means of the rituals which encompass his initiation into temple life. In dying, the Pharaoh continues his journey within the Underworld within the boat of the Solar God Ra, travelling by means of the twelve hours of evening and conquering the powers of darkness earlier than being resurrected on the daybreak of the brand new day.


34 thoughts on “Egyptian Cosmogony Documentary”

  1. I do not understand why people adopt this religious worldview. As beautiful as the iconography is, there’s no clear moral lesson here beyond the mantra “bring order out of chaos”, which is not unique to kemetism.

    Any belief that makes the believer call themselves god, that is egotism. I don’t see society being improved when everyone’s predisposed to narcissism.

  2. The second thing seriously insulting in this animation is the whitewashing of K'met. When will this stupid historical fascification will STOP? Who are these pale faces pharaohs that NEVER EXISTED when K'met was building its cosmogony and pantheon? Please just stop, at this point is borderline psychopathy to try to manipulate facts to this level.

  3. The only thing i absolutly can't tand in this amazing animation is the total travesty that is using greek designations for a K'met civilization . Egypt isn't even part of the equation. Ancient kmet or Tameru and no nome was called with these greek name. The highest level of respect is to give them their true names


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