Enigmas of Egyptian Mythology – Egyptian Myths: A Botanical Perspective Half 1 | On Paradise Earth

The peculiar Egyptian behavior of attributing particular symbolic traits and mythic roles of 1 deity to many different mythic figures typically makes it tough to differentiate the relevance of 1 divine entity from one other. This practice arises from a theological perception that numerous members of an Egyptian pantheon characterize the re-incarnated elements or direct offshoots of a primordial Creator-spirit. A number of gods are portrayed and described explicitly, for instance, as each lotus-gods and sun-gods, the roles of which overlap for quite a few members of a given pantheon in varied mythic narratives. And opposite to present scholarly assumptions, rather more emphasis is positioned on lotus symbolism than solar symbolism. These observations forged an entire new mild on Egyptian mythology and compels us to re-consider 3000 years of conventional tales that anticipate the collapse of pharaonic cultures in the course of the daybreak of Christianity.


8 thoughts on “Enigmas of Egyptian Mythology – Egyptian Myths: A Botanical Perspective Half 1 | On Paradise Earth”

  1. Those are not People’ thats depiction of Gods rays of light as husband and wife Nd the children they will have that Are “light” .. And Play nicely .. those are not people.. they are depictions of God and his wife’ and the size differential of God versus people

  2. It never ceases to amaze me how ewe cannot see thats a rudder of a boat’ and A reed/read amongst the see/sea’ And that this is a depiction of future to come.. as well as a depiction of Those who steer vessels by the HEAD’ which is dont by a rudder’ .. additionally.. Those who propel their vessel “thrust” us into the future…

    A reed’ Floats or is “light” .. its boyant and Moves by light’ ways… steers us for’ward .. and Out of de-nile. (Denial). we “break” through’ buy way/weigh by way.. that ram’ who has the sun/son’ as his head’ bright Head’ or the weight if the sun on his vessel’ she steers the way..

  3. The solar boat does not sail on the nile, it sails on what is known as the "great river",in mesopotamian cosmology it is the "Ab Zu" in meso american cosmology it is represented by the milky Way. The great river is a stream of divine conscioussness that emanates from the pleroma, being the domain of the Father (Ra) creator and created Aeons.Again we see the Djed as the symbol of the route or path that leads to such illumination flanked by the Baboon symbols of Thoth, being wisdom, that state of personal experience.

  4. The symbol of the two raised arms is "Ba" representing the higher self or the state of enlightenment, nested, the symbol of the sun would suggest the Union with "the father". The Djed by reason would represent the route or path to the enlightened condition, known by various names "the way" or " the ancient road" foremost amongst them and would perhaps be illustrated as a ladder being as it is a common representation.This route would be practised by those aligned with the practices of the Mysteries, generally being Acetism,abstinence, fasting.


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