Historic Aliens: Egyptian Mysteries Conceal Proof of UFOs

These Historic Egyptian mysteries could have you scratching your head… See extra on this compilation from Historic Aliens.

00:00 Giza Plateau
04:19 Burial Websites
08:43 The Nile Delta
12:40 Abydos Egypt

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“Historic Aliens” explores the controversial concept that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for tens of millions of years.

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21 thoughts on “Historic Aliens: Egyptian Mysteries Conceal Proof of UFOs”

  1. 65 mil y ago dinosaurs extinction,and let's say it took 30mil y for mammals to evolve ,why it's not possible that in between 30mil was rase of mammals intelligent enough to start a civ? Why do we need phisical evidence? Than may happened some other natural disaster and some rase of intelligent homosapiens survived and survived through ice age and gr8flod after and there are we modern human don't know anything about intelligent life 30 mil y ago thinking oldest civ is 12k y old.. only evidence able to survive that long have to be made of gold and even today we melt gold peaces. for 30 mil. y if all humans in todays civilisation work together in achieving one goal we could build new planet that way you'll see how real and possible is to build f..king piramides fof already stupid piramides. we are talking about 8 billion people all knowing basics of mathematics and physics..other type of intelligent beings that lived on the earth in past 30MILION years developed levitation, and ones that have managed to survive went in to space God know how in search for better and safer place for life for their kind. And why are some of gr8 sights are in one line is because of "mother ship" of those beings was in that orbit around the Earth befoure leaving planet for good.

  2. What if those who burried inside those coffins are not yet dead before they are just trying on how they can travel to another dimension by the use of the pyramid in the center which is a transmitter to anothet dimension.

  3. This video reeks of pseudo archeology, and is really a slippery slope into absurdity. While watching this video you should continuously ask yourself is this possible or probable? Many things are possible, really anything you can think of is technically a possibility, but that doesn’t mean it is probable to happen or to have happened in the past. It is especially important to ponder this if it is not possible to test the theory you are presenting. You can not conduct proper hypothesis testing to prove the points they are trying to make. That means they have to assume everything they believe is true, which goes against Occam’s razor. The desperate plea to appeal to authority by referencing ancient astronaut theorists is quite easy to see through; and though they do come up with some very entertaining ideas, they are not well rooted in science. The burden of proof falls onto the person making the claim, so in this situation the ancient astronaut theorists, but they fail to give solid evidence for any of their claims. This leaves their premises questionable at best. They throw out many random facts but do not prove where they got their information from. A good example of this is in the beginning when they describe the many “mathematical properties“ of the great pyramid and claim the information came from extraterrestrials. It is far more likely that they have just manipulated a lot of numbers to draw conclusions that are not really there. Furthermore, the ancient people were well attuned with the stars, and could have very likely aligned the pyramids the way they did for astronomical reasons. They also make ad hominem arguments to attempt to discredit the people of the ancient world by calling the technology used to build the pyramids too sophisticated for the time which also ignores the astronomical capabilities of the ancient people. I believe this is a hasty generalization that overlooks the tenacity of human kind and our ability to ever evolve and build. While trying to link the ancient Egyptian gods to extraterrestrials, the clip suppresses a lot of rich evidence found within other culture’s religions. Many other religions also depict part human and part animal gods and while there are many reasonings for this, none include extraterrestrials. This video also exhibited false comparisons when it took the ancient texts about the afterlife too literally. The video tried to make it seem as though the hieroglyph covered walls actually contained the secret ingredient to life after death however, it was their holy texts and what they believed, but this does not mean it actually happened.

  4. What if… The pyramids were meant to harness the natural resonating frequency of the earth to help create a direct path and alignment with Orions belt so that craft could correct course based on frequency deviation. the more out of tune the shuttles frequency is the more course correction required. Like radio frequencies as roads through the stars, so to speak.
    Does anyone know if theres anything to this. It just randomly popped into my head and thought I should send that thought to the void.

  5. Giorgio's Hair?
    I don't trust guys with a very perfect and a very well combed hair (normally are lawyers and politicians who lie to the people every day because they know that we are not alone in the universe).


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