Horus vs Seth – The Conflict of Gods – Egyptian Mythology #03 – See U in Historical past

Egyptian Mythology: Horus vs Seth – The Conflict of Gods

#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #Historical past #MythologyExplained


35 thoughts on “Horus vs Seth – The Conflict of Gods – Egyptian Mythology #03 – See U in Historical past”

  1. Just like Bible stories, these stories aren't meant to be taken literally, but rather to teach the allegorical spiritual lessons, the metaphors.

    "The Devil's Lettuce", I've seen some lose their mind when they smoke it; the brain fog causes them to lose their gifts of clairs. Thus the Gifts go to one with a clear conciousness and focused mind. 😌

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    That's my momma. She had corn cobs in her hairwebs.

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