Is This Delusion GREEK or EGYPTIAN?

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Because of Jonathan Doberski and Khiliarkhos for assist with my analysis.

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46 thoughts on “Is This Delusion GREEK or EGYPTIAN?”

  1. Classical Greek and Roman writers always did the deity name swap thing, it's frustrating. I think it's evidence that they believed their gods objectively existed and were relevant everywhere, and saw the different names as different languages words for the same entity. They also valued their own culture above everyone else's. That was pretty standard at the time, Egyptians definitely felt that way but they were fine with combining multiple gods into one hybrid god like Amun-Ra and Isis-Hathor so the Greeks and Romans added theirs to make Zeus Ammon/Jupiter Ammon. they figured they could hybridize their gods with the Jewish god, how did that go? BAD

  2. When Buddhism was introduced in Japan, Buddhism and Shintoism start to merge with one another. They thought that Vairocana Buddha, The Light/Illumination Buddha was a Buddhist counterpart of Amaterasu, The Sun Goddess.

  3. Jake finding a segway for your vpn is simple! its called atlas, and atlas is the titan that held up the sky in greek mythology. holding up the sky is obviously a struggle but you wont struggle to find your favourite shows and movies with atlas vpn!

  4. Actually, the myth for persepone comes from the story of dumuzi and innana, where they explain the changing of seasons.

    The myth originated in the levant, so the greeks stole from the middle east 😅

    Innana is going to the underworld story, read it.

  5. What about the similarities between Orpheus, Izanagi and another deity from Latin America I currently don't remember ? (The fact that all of them need to get to the underworld to save a person they love but they lose them because they turn around to look at them while coming back)

  6. Comparative mythology is fascinating. I wrote a paper comparing some North American indigenous religions to Norse mythology, there were striking similarities which I found fascinating. I found also that the indigenous stories were skewed due to being written down by Christians, so maybe there were similarities because that's how the Christian scholars interpreted the stories.
    One of the most interesting themes I've found regarding religion is that before a culture develops agriculture, they generally worship nature so mother figures, animals, etc are the central themes. After agriculture most civilizations have a father figure "sky god" as the central figure. Not all the time but more often than not, although I haven't studied ancient South Asian myths as closely as myths in Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

  7. This is called "memetic mutation", or if you like me prefer the old guy Charles Sanders Peirce before Richard Dawkins, it is a "semiotic mutation". "Semiotic" sounds better to me, "memetic" sounds like "your hemorrhoids," or something.

  8. There is more to that story. At least the beginning the Persephone abduction is close to the abduction of Erishkigal by Nergal. Do you have the Demeter source? Lastly it also reminds me of two things. How Achilles became invincible and do think this is the practice found abominable in the old testament making children pass through fire?

  9. Thanks for the video! I knew Isis became popular among the Greeks, didn’t know she merged with Demeter. And that magical nanny story… wasn’t there a similar story about Moses? Wasn’t Moses sent down a river in Egypt when he was a baby where he was found by an Egyptian princess who adopted him and hired his real mother to be his nanny? Or something like that. I only vaguely recall a couple tales from Moses youth, did any of them include the themes that linked Isis and Demeter ? It would be interesting to know if a third story line also shared this same plot

  10. why didn't you link it to the titan atlas about something like he was making a vpn while demeter was dealing with her child after seeing how hades was able to find and capture her and to prevent this happening again he made the vpn to protect the gods messages and info online to prevent tracking


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