49 thoughts on “Jesus vs Horus – Did The Bible Plagiarize Egyptian Mythology?”

  1. People say there is no record but there were gods before Jesus and it wasn’t Jesus they were worshipping so that’s irrelevant. They weren’t wrapped up mummies buried with gold for nothing. Jesus isnt and wasn’t the first “god” so why him regardless if Osiris is real

  2. Jesus Never Claimed He Was God
    They Used To Worship Only One True God, even Jesus Christ PBUH Was A Prophet
    Matthew 5:18

    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

  3. This video shows unintentionally there were MANY deities that were similar
    to Jesus. Where is proof of Jesus’ existence outside the the Bible. Just like Horus, it’s all MYTH. Horus symbolized the unseen Gods SUN. Not gods son. Christians worship on SUNday Amen, oh thats Amun,
    the sun god. Stop lying about Christianity’s true origins.

  4. Has it occured to you that people started believing in Jesus only because they saw the myths come true in Jesus.
    The story of Titan, a ship which hit am iceberg and sank was written 11 years before the actual Titanic sank.
    As for what you term as evidence, there is plenty of what archologists call as secondry evidence, primary evidence is as it is hard to obtain. If our civilization would go bust, it would be very hard to prove that you existed at all after 2000 years, so does that mean that you do not exist.
    A good parody but a filmsy argument.

  5. Judaism comes from Saturn worship. Star of David, Saturday, name of god El, Elyom.
    Islam comes from Venus worship. Crescent and star, Friday, name of god Is, Isis, Ishtar.

    Israelites, worshipped three gods, Venus (Is), Sun (Ra), Saturn (El).

  6. The Sun god's birth day (and the first day of a new year in the northern hemisphere) would be the next day after the Winter Solstice.
    Egypt isn't that ancient, the life of Mithra and Horus is plagiarised from the life of Jesus.

  7. The argument of this whole video: "WELL, IT WASN'T WRITTEN DOWN!"
    Yes, in many instances, they were. And even if they weren't written down, they still existed as oral traditions, just like those that predated the bible. For otherwise, we may as well discredit the writings of the bible, for the bible was not written centuries after the death of Jesus, with none of its authors ever acting as eyewitnesses.
    By the way, Christmas is originally called Yule and was a Germanic Pagan tradition celebrating the winter solstice. Thanks to the Romans, this tradition was syncretized into Christianity. The Romans wanted to placate the Germanic tribes rather than forcibly converting them to Roman traditions. In many parts of Magna Germania and Scandinavia, people still, to this day, call Christmas "Yule" or "Jul." Even Christians do.

  8. Bible didn't plagiarize egypt.. Egypt was astrology for the Age of Taurus, Old testament astrology for the Age of Aries, New Testament is astrology for the Age of Pisces. It's all related, just updated every astrological Age.

  9. Yes, nearly every story in the bible is taken from other much older stories and Christianized to have better control over the people as they were trying to have control over pagans.

  10. "It is interesting that Isis is addressed as Hwn.t in a sarcophagus oracle that deals with her mysterious pregnancy. In a text in the Abydos Temple of Seti I, Isis herself declares: “I am the great virgin.” … In the Late Period in particular, goddesses are frequently called “(beautiful) virgins,” especially Hathor, Isis, and Nephthys."

    -Dr. Jan Bergman and Dr. Helmer Ringgren, in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Vol. II (339)

    So I am Isis.
    So I am a flame goddess.
    You are Osiris.
    I am mother to Horus.
    I am sister to the god.
    I am Hmmy.t.
    I am the Great Virgin.

    Temple of Seti I, Chapel of Osiris, West Wall-South Gate (13th century BCE)

    Amice M. Calverley and Myrtle F. Broome, The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos: Volume I, The Chapels of Osiris, Isis and Horus, ed. A.H. Gardiner (London: The Egypt Exploration Society, 1933), pl.9.

    Notice Isis says she is Horus' Mother THAN says she's a "Great Virgin"

    "In Egypt the epithets add.t, rnn.t and Hwn.t, ‘girl; young woman; virgin’, are applied to many goddesses—e.g. Hathor and Isis—who had not yet had sexual intercourse."

    Dr. Bob Becking, in Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (891)

    Indeed Osiris died before he could consumate marriage and take Isis's Virginity

    "The marriage of Isis and Osiris was a very brief one, so brief, indeed, that they were not able to consummate their union while Osiris was alive. “Come to me, fair face who passed beyond without my having seen him,” Isis says after the death of her husband, leading one to suppose that he was murdered before their wedding night."

    Dr. Dimitri Meeks and Dr. Christine Favard-Meeks , Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods (69)

    In relation to the severed phallus myth Egyptologist Jan Assman says "The Egyptian Texts which seldom mention this scene know nothing of this detail"

    Jan Assman Death and Salvation in Ancient Egypt (25)

    “…[Osiris’s] parts were collected by Isis, and his body was duly resurrected by her, although the phallus was missing. This obliged the goddess to resort to parthenogenesis in order to conceive and bring forth Horus.”

    –Dr. James S. Curl, The Egyptian Revival, p. 15.

    Parthenogenesis means “virgin birth”:

    “PARTHENOGENESIS. The myth that certain divine beings or culture-heroes have owed their birth to a mother without the co-operation of a father has been found to be widespread. For example, Isis, Cybele, Leto, Demeter, and Venus are all represented as ‘virgin’ mothers. The Chinese culture-hero Hon Chi was born of a mother who conceived by treading in the footprint of God. The principal deity of the Uapes Indians of Brazil, Jurupari, was born of a virgin who conceived after drinking a draught of native beer….”

    –Maurice Arthur Canney, An Encyclopaedia of Religions, 278.

    "Aeon/Horus was born of the virgin Isis on 6 January….The Egyptian Goddess who was equally the "Great Virgin" (Hwnt) and mother of the god was bestowed upon the very same praises as her successor (The Virgin Mary)"

    Reginald E Witt Isis in the ancient world (218) (273)

    "As Mithraism moved westward it proved a fertile ground for the addition of mystic meaning practically all the symbolism of Osiris was added to the Mithraic cultus even to the fact that Isis became the virgin mother of Mithras"

    Gerald L Berry Religions of the world (56)

    "-Cybele, Aphrodite, Demeter, Astarte, Isis, Hathor, Inanna and Ishtar like them she (Mary) is both virgin and mother and like many of them she gives birth to a half human half divine child who dies and is reborn"

    Anne Baring and Jules Cashford The Myth of the Goddess Evolution of an Image (548)

    "Isis also discovered the elixir of immortality, and when her son Horus fell victim to the plots of the
    Titans and was found dead beneath the waves, she not only raised him from the dead and
    restored his soul, but also gave him eternal life"

    Diodorus Siculus Antiquites of Egypt (31)

    As we can see Isis reserrected Horus from the dead just as she did Osiris!

    And also my online buddy Neal Boswell has a wordpress website and a free 900 page Ebook going into details using the works and quotations of highly credentialed scholars to support every major parallel between Osiris, Horus and JEEEZZUSS! both of which I shall link below:












  11. Watching a bunch of Christian checking historical facts really cracks me up. Really can't wait to see how you guys explain the similarities between the flood story of Noah and Epic of Gilgamesh.


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