35 thoughts on “Kratos vs Seth (Kratos vs Egyptian Gods) (Mythology vs Fiction) #mythology”

  1. Blud it was litteraly proven by the devs that kratos has infinite strenght what now dont tell me some bullshit like “ yeah but seth has multiversal bullshit ok its cap

  2. Ice said it once I'll say it again kratos is tough fight for anyone dosent matter how powerfull he is the embodiment of strength has the boots of hermes meaning he is as fast as the god of speed his feats are immense and don't even scratch the surface of what he can do the studio themselves said it that they have to nerf kratos because no game can show his true strenght

  3. If GOW characters including Kratos (because why not) can give a fight to a character from mythos I don't think that character is strong enough.
    Hercules, Poseidon, Monkey King will eat Kratos and his BOI in minutes, Zeus, Budha, Odin demolish whole GOW verse with minimal inconvenience. Shiva winks out the entire concept of GOW's existence.
    "And you will not see the end of this moment"

  4. Kratos wins no diff.
    Kratos is max 4d cuz he lifted the temple of tyr which
    had all 9 realms in it and each realm is immeasurable
    thus granting him infinite strength, he wipe out
    the greek pantheon who were keeping the enitre
    multiverses in balanced, he has the boots of hermes
    which hermes without the boots is said to be as fast
    as the speed of light and with the boots hes much
    faster than the speed of light so kratos should be much
    faster than the speed of light not to mention he was
    keeping up with hermes with the boots on, his rage :.if
    you've ever played any gow games you would know
    that when kratos gets his raged or gets angered, shits
    going down plus he could just use the fate power and
    change superman fate, although I think it could end up
    in both ways tho like goku managing to end kratos
    before he gets to use his fate powers or kratos ends
    up snaping superman neck with his brute strength. Plus
    Kratos has the boots of Hermes. Hermes is the God
    of speed/the messenger of Gods in the GoW Greek
    World. In the canon lore, it has been stated that he
    carries souls of dead people to the Underworld and
    also carries dreams to the people sleeping at night
    simultaneously. Plus, he was also able to go around
    the World in a finite time. Since the World in GoW is
    infinite in size(as it contains the endless Underworld,
    the Earth which completely covers it and the infinite
    sky), Hermes would be infinite in speed. Kratos
    outpaced and killed him, acquiring his boots. Now he
    has his speed. Superman can't travel at infinite speed like
    Kratos. Kratos is immortal. He killed the Primordial
    concept of death, Primordial Thanatos(who created
    his own dimension, the domain of Death and survived
    after fighting in the Primordial war, which predated
    space-time). It was stated by Zeus himself that Kratos
    has become "Death…. the destroyer of worlds" when
    he beat Thanatos. He's cursed to forever walk on Earth
    because of the sins he committed. He can't die. Kratos
    has the powers of hope from the Pandora's box. powers of hope basically turn Kratos into the abstract
    embodiment of the concept of hope itself! Goku can
    never destroy a concept, even if he somehow manages
    to destroy the Universe. Using the concept of hope, he
    erased Zeus(who was also powered by the abstract
    concept of fear)and at the end, stabbed him with the
    blade of Olympous, releasing hope to the world. Kratos
    has the Blade Of Olympous, the most powerful weapon
    in all of the GoW Greek World, which can easily stomp
    GODS/Immortals/Titans, etc. It was made by Zeus
    who is of the most powerful GOD or SkyFather in the
    GoW Greek World from the Life force of The Heavens
    and The Earth. Goku is a Mortal and a demigod. So,
    The Bade Of Olympous would kick his ass. Infact this
    blade K.0.'ed almost all of the Titans in one-shot and
    teleported them to Tartarus(upper Underworld). It even
    killed Zeus. Kratos can stop time, slow down time
    and shift realms and he can also transcend time, as
    he has overpowered the time manipulation of Castor
    and Pollux, killed the Primordial Thanatos and moved
    in areas under absolute time freeze(in the Temples
    of Fates). He can also use the Time Machine which
    he got after defeating Sister of Fates to go in Future/
    Past and see all possible outcomes of an event. So,
    he has pretty much full Manipulation on time. He can
    obliterate superman after stopping time or slowing it down.
    He could neutralize superman for some time by shifting
    realms. Kratos is far more experienced in killing GODS
    than Goku. He has killed all Greek GODS and will kill
    all Norse GODS by GOW 6. Don't forget that Kratos has
    the Golden Fleece, which can reflect back ANY energy
    attack. It even absorbed the Attacks from The Blade
    Of Olympous. Kratos can absorb and throw superman eye laser
    or Spirit Bomb back to him with full
    power with the Golden Fleece. It doesn't matter if they
    can actually destroy multiple Universes. Golden Fleece
    can absorb and reflect back anything with full power.
    Even Goku's punches and kicks can be deflected back. to superman. Hakai won't work on Kratos. He can open up a
    Hyperion Portal through Hyperion Essence and escape/
    attack anything at the speed of light. Or, he can travel
    at Infinite speed through Boots Of Hermes. Kratos can
    use Claws Of Hades to rip away superman soul or use
    Hades's(GOD Of The Undervworld) soul to fight Goku.
    He can use all the souls which Hades and he captured
    using the Claws Of Hades. Kratos has Limitless
    Strength, Stamina, Agility and Durability as he's the GOD
    Of War. Goku isn't unlimited in these things. He avoided
    being crushed by the hands of Atlas who holds the
    entire Universe+The Heavens+The Underworld in his
    hands for Eternities. It's way bigger feat than anything
    which we have seen from superman. Kratos beat Thanatos,
    a Primordial who fought in the Primordial war, which
    took place before the Universe and its time and space.
    So, Thanatos predates time and space i.e. modern
    Scientific principles don't apply to him. And, Kratos
    killed him in his beast form. Kratos has overpowered
    sheer conceptual manipulation like time manipulation,
    fate manipulation, mind manipulation, reality
    manipulation, death manipulation of high degrees,
    etc. He even cut his threads of fate which means he
    isn't bound by it anymore and exists on a dimensional
    Scale above Goku. The Kratos here is the base form
    Kratos from GOW Ill with all his weapons at max level.
    Don't forget his different rage forms! It increases his
    strength, stamina, agility and durability by a lot and
    takes it above the GOD level and also increases his
    Runic attacks level. So, the Winner is:- Kratos(Ghost Of
    Sparta) Thanks for reading till here 🙂 To the people
    who are still not able to get this verdict down their
    throats, here you go:- At the end of GOW 3, Zeus' astral
    form came out which was wielding the concept of Fear
    itself against Kratos. Kratos still managed to kill him
    by using his powers of Hope. You guys know what this
    means? HE KILLED A CONCEPT! He exists on the same
    level in the GOW Universe as Zeno-Sama in DragonBall Super. Superman, even in comics, can NEVER EVER destroy
    a concept. He can destroy Universes, but conceptual
    manipulation is simply a far bigger feat to accomplish.

    Also, Kratos was stronger than Cronos who lifted infinite heaven(infinite weight).
    This is about Suoerman, but feats are for everyone. Pls copy this comment and share everywhere.

  5. Set may be the one to kill Kratos. Why?
    Originally Seth was a sky god, lord of the desert, master of storms, disorder, and warfare—in general, a trickster. Seth embodied the necessary and creative element of violence and disorder within the ordered world. Kratos has the blades of Chaos and Set is the God of Chaos.

    Set's children are; Anubis: God of Death, Wepwawet: God of War, Serket: Goddess of Healing and Venomous stings and bites, Sobek: God of the Nile, Lord of Crocodiles and the Dark Water and Maga: Demon Crocodile God

    Kratos sleep with a lot of ladies but Set’s sex life made Kratos’ look tame by comparison.

    Set has power, knowledge and is a conqueror and is stronger that Kratos.


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