Minecraft Egyptian Mythology Soundtrack

Minecraft Egyptian Mythology By Gareth Coker with nice surrounding.

Pay attention:
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/1CaNcIPQZuDiMaouBhQgux?si=PT0n3NHyQtiJcr97QLxHKg
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?record=PLS19zOYsmnkzGDpiyWGdUXQvZw-8U0hUL

Map 1 – https://minecraft-inside.ru/maps/77739-leefnuts-mini-egypt.html
Map 2 – https://10minecraft.ru/karty-minecraft/348-karta-egipet-dlya-maynkraft.html

00:00 The Nice Pyramids (Overworld)
3:22 Hathor (Overworld)
6:56 Hibis (Overworld)
10:31 Journey By way of the Duat (Nether)
14:06 Shai (Interlude)
15:39 Alexandria (Overworld)
18:56 Heliopolis (Overworld)
22:01 Temple of Isis (Overworld)
24:59 Judges of the Useless (Nether)
28:37 Renenuted & Meshkenet (Interlude)
30:06 Abu Simbel (Overworld)
33:23 Memphis (Overworld)
36:42 Remaining Judgement (Nether)
40:10 Osiris (The Finish)


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