Osiris and Seth – Egyptian Mythology #02 See U in Historical past

Egyptian Mythology: Osiris and Seth

#EgyptianMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #Historical past #MythologyExplained


42 thoughts on “Osiris and Seth – Egyptian Mythology #02 See U in Historical past”

  1. Loved the video. I was very interested in egyptian mythology. And got the info in a very unique way. Also, can I ask the creator to make a playlist on ancient India and indian mythology. I think many people will like it.

  2. Something to note, Seth isn't the God of Evil in Egyptian Mythology. He's often seen assisting many of the other gods at various times.
    His beef with Osiris mainly stems from that instance with Nephtis, as opposed to his jealousy.
    Depicting Seth as evil comes from christian scholars retroactively trying to Satan-ize many figures in mythology, even if that was never their role in said culture. Two other victims of this would be Loki and Hades, who function entirely different in their respective religions compared to what pop-culture would have you believe

  3. Imagine, a man who likes to tell stories created the Egyptian mythology and all the kids believed it and spread the stories. Eventually it became their beliefs. Sheesh man.

  4. Wait. Nephthys seduced Osiris by disguising herself as Isis.. So it's not Osiris fault for that union, isn't it? I mean, he thought he was with Isis in that moment but in reality he was with Nephthys.. And why Nephthys did this to Seth and the royal couple? Was she jealous of something Osiris and Isis had and she didn't? And how Isis reacted when she learned about Anubis? I read somewhere that she adopted him.. Bruh, I'm confused now

  5. Mai am avut mai de mult o cutie cu niste ustensile de sadomaso neagra dar nu știu pe unde este ca era o poza doar și se spune că eu Seth las fi prostit pe Osiris sa se bage în ea și am inchiso și cica ar fi fost un sicriu acea cutie dar mai de grabă a fost băgat unu animatorul intro cutie mai demult și nu cumva sa fi fost cutia aia in care a fost băgat și doar eu puteam deschide cutia

  6. This is Cain an Able except there's a third person . Cain, Able, an another. when Able died they had another child an named him Seth to replace Able. Cain is the corrupted one. Seth I think was the ruler of another kingdom far out east from Egypt his civilization Was destroyed by a catastrophic event there was only few that lived an Seth was one of them. After Seth's civilization was destroyed Seth an I think his wife went to refuge in Egypt. ( Seth is Osiris's uncle I believe not brother, in on clear on that ) unsure of what really happened when Seth made it to Egypt if it was jealousy of osirs or osirs betrayed Seth. Seth also had a war with the Greeks that he badly lost to.. Plato went to Egypt to speak with others about the past he spoke to a Egyptian wrighter that retold the story to Pluto of there acount so he recounts the battle with seth an tells his side of the story with of his people's Of dealings with Seth

  7. From my understanding from translations of Sumerian , Hebrew , Egyptian , Greek , Bible texts

    In brief:

    Enlil = Seth = Zeus = Satan but known as Christian God (yep that’s right the greatest trick he ever played was convince the world he was God himself)

    Enki = Osiris > Comes back as Horus = Poseidon = Known as God but is the Serpent(Satan) In Christian Bible. Made a class of Humanoids to serve to work for Enlil his half brother and An is father.

    Theyre both from Alpha Draconis , a constellation of reptoids , they’re amazing engineers and DNA engineers , however are default to never ascend past a 4th dimensional conscious, only hybrids today still live on this planet.

    These two brothers have had war forever , thousands of years , it’s the same story they just different names , Enki has always wanted humanoids to evolve and find their true power with knowledge (tree of knowledge/forbidden apple) and Enlil has always gotten angry.

    Knowledge has popped out of nowhere (Mayan) because Enki and others like Ra Aragat and Toth split to teach knowledge and evolution about Christ consciousness in hidden languages around the world to hide from Enlil.

    God doesn’t mean Creator
    Christ consciousness doesn’t mean have faith in Christian religion

    Anyways there’s deeper levels to this story or history so might say even for future has some claim Planet X , Nibiru , Judgement Day is Enlils return

  8. Adam was the first person in TIME because he came up with the plan to map The Stars, & hence create time. You know this as the 'Papyrus of Hunefer', but they called it the inception & completion of the marriage of time & light. Basically the invention of time. Have more if interested. (at)Nephthy14216684 Osiris could not sit on his throne until it was complete.


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