Osiris’ Battle For Egypt’s Immortal Throne! 👾 #historical past #mythology #shortsfeed

Uncover the story of Osiris’ wrestle for Egypt’s immortal throne in simply 60 seconds! Delve into the story of energy, betrayal, and revenge between Osiris, the god of the afterlife, and his jealous brother Set. Uncover how Osiris’ son, Horus, avenged his father’s demise and restored order to Egypt. Be part of us as we discover the charming world of historic Egyptian mythology and reveal its legendary tales.


27 thoughts on “Osiris’ Battle For Egypt’s Immortal Throne! 👾 #historical past #mythology #shortsfeed”

  1. There was no osiris and no god in Kemetic mythology! Asr was the Ntchr (Force of Nature) of eternity. Osiris is a greek name and so is not or wasn't used in ancient Kmt! Afrika and Kmt specifically had no "gods," they did not "worship gods." If you are going to tell Afrikan stories, tell them accurately and properly or leave them alone!! Only those of a culture can properly and accurately describe and interpret said culture, its traditions, customs, myths, and other phenomena!!

  2. I'm sure this is all written down and papaya notebooks
    And tell Man From Heaven came down and said this is what it means in English oh, but I have no clue what it means in Egyptian

  3. Did you know that Osiris / Enki is the creator man? Enki is the
    god in the Bible who said let US create mankind in OUR own image and likeness. Enki is the God in the Adam and Eve story that told them the truth. Enki and his son Thoth were the teachers of Christ consciousness. Enlil / the Egyptian god Seth. He is the evil jealous God in the Bible who the Christians worship who told Adam and Eve the lie. The colonizers depicted the black African god. the creator of man creator as the snake in the Bible call him evil call him the devil call him Lucifer.

    Yes our creator was murdered by his evil jealous brother that the colonizers worship and trick the black people to worship. the God that represents death, darkness and destruction for all of mankind. behold the treachery of the colonizers. If you read about their histories you will know that our Creator inky / Osiris die because he would not let his evil jealous brother kill us. And now you worship the murderer of our Creator. Give the colonizers back their twisted dark plagiarized version of our history. And come back home from the world and study the teachings of the black African gods Osiris, Isis and and Thoth.

    Like he said in the video Osiris are creator the god of the underworld will decide who goes on to the afterlife / heaven and those who don't make it will face their final death. What do you think he's going to do to the colonizers for what they did to their children, us their legacy?


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