Philosophy Vlog 18 Egyptian Mythology Could 4th 2021

Egyptian Mythology

Impressed by the Cycles of Nature
Every little thing in Nature Cycles

Renew Maat the Basic Order of the Universe

Gods kind the Universe

Ra’s journey by the world and the otherworld counterpart Duat

Continuous demise and regeneration of the gods

Symbols, Artwork, tombs, temples and amulets

“Previous Kingdom” (?)

Basic questions concerning the world

nature of dysfunction

Final Destiny of the Universe

The True Realm of the Gods is mysterious and inaccessible to people

Creation Myths

Fantasy of Osiris

Funeral texts

the formation of the world as the belief of an idea first
developed inside the thoughts of the creator god

The pressure of Heka or Magic hyperlinks issues within the divine realm
with issues within the bodily realm

People sprang from the Eye of Ra
foreshadowing their flawed nature and sorrowful lives

The Egyptian conception of the soul

Khet bodily physique, Sah Religious physique
Ren title and identification Ba persona
ka double Ib Coronary heart and Shut shadow
Sekhem energy and Akh stays

If an individual had lead a virtuous life they’d have a number of varieties in afterlife
and the lifeless can assist the residing from the spirit world

Khonsuemheb and the Ghost

Apep Sobek Serket
Hathor Sekhmet Bastet
Shu Tefnut Hathor Anhur Maat
Osiris Horus Set
Khepri and Khnum
Ptah and Isis

the Ogdoad
Nu Naunet Heh Hehut Kekuit Kekuit Qerh Qerhet

Journey to the afterlife
Judgement of the Useless
Visiting the Dwelling from the Afterlife
and Rebirth

False Door
and pretend doorways or drawing a door can permit spirits from
different realms entry

Many maxims within the instructing of Ptahhotep

The Immortality of Writers

Aamu Nehsu Themehu Aaru Duat

Gates and deities because the soul travels


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