Seth – The Egyptian God of Chaos and Infertility – Egyptian Mythology – See u In Historical past

Seth – The Egyptian God of Chaos and Infertility – Egyptian Mythology – See u In Historical past

#Mythology #SeeUinHistory #Historical past #MythologyExplained


20 thoughts on “Seth – The Egyptian God of Chaos and Infertility – Egyptian Mythology – See u In Historical past”

  1. Seth is also seth of noa and the worship is in ancient christianity, judaism and islam and known as sethians/sethian christian, sethian jews, sethians of islam. It is gnostics going back to ancient jeusalem and their kingly priesthoods. They are known as the sons of seth. They was pagans.

  2. Fun fact: when Set or Seth losed to Horus in he’s battle he took the form of a giant fire breathing pig and spit fire in Horus eye before turning back and running off because of this if you sacrifice a pig to the gods the gods will not accept the offer so pigs weren’t allowed in temples and Egyptian who believed this myth couldn’t eat pork

  3. I had an egyptian archeology class in college, my egyptology professor mentioned that its highly likely that at first Set was god of desert that people prayed to in order to please him and not cause drought, storms, and eaethquakes, not to mention protect them from people living in desert like Lybians in upper egypt, kinda like Greek Poseidon, early in egyptian history when egypt was bunch of small settlements and city states, but over time as the Egypt evolved and the war of upper and lower egypt metioned here slowly but surely changed the general idea about him, since cult of Osiris and Horus took over with the victory lower egypt but his primary function of protector remained since he still protects Ra's boat.


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