Seth: The God of Chaos and Deserts – Egyptian Mythology – See U in Historical past

Egyptian Mythology – Seth: The God of Chaos and Deserts

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35 thoughts on “Seth: The God of Chaos and Deserts – Egyptian Mythology – See U in Historical past”

  1. How to defeat this entity (in Hebrew Setan) is fairly simple, the beings that serve him occupy your left shoulder, after a period of celibacy you can physically grab these entities and hold them, it will feel like a physical snake in your hand, then one can simply command them in the name of god amen the creator etc, to consume themselves. this is where the alchemical depiction of the snake eating its tail comes from. The physical animal seth or set is depicted as an aardvark. The ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs used to hold a cross or ankh in their left hand to ward off setan.

  2. I once met a chic online who told me I could be Seth. Tried some hoodoo sht one me to make me change.
    Shattered my auric field.
    Now she like.
    U Jeezus. Sigh.

  3. No…. Please don't mix your mythology unless you spent years studying different cultures….
    Nut & Geb- Gaia and Chaos

    Elyon- Cronus- Father Time- Yahweh

    Thoth – Hermes

    Seth- Zeus- Thor- Bael- Teshub

    Osiris- Erebus- Mot- Tigris

    Isis- Nyx- Selene- Máni- Hecate

    Anubis- Hades

    Horus- Hypnos

    Nephthys- Hera- Khapet

    Amon Ra- Amenadiel- Prometheus- Loki- Lucifer Morning Star – Light Bringing

    Apophis or Apep- Ouroboros- Jormungandr- Shenlong- Quetzalcoatl

    Anat- Eris

    Ammut- Cerberus- Fenrir

    Heryshaf or Khnum- Baphomet- Hercules

    The Coffin Seth gives to Osiris – Pyramids- Pandora's Box

  4. Has anyone not figured his head resembles a Camel? I mean sure the face is thinner and there definitely is likely darker influence attached to him over his history but would it not make sense for an enduring god to be patron to some of the most durable desert survivors of the time?

  5. Im just gonna laugh to christian people who cries and yell "RePeNt To JeSuS" and "ThEy'Re DeMoNs" 😂 and im not going to fall to a fake human or demon called "jesus" even im catholic.

  6. the character of Seth always felt out of place in Genesis and now hearing that the Hyksos worshipped Seth makes so much more sense as to why he was included. They redeemed their local lord and even gave him descendants.


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