Revealing the Secrets and techniques of Amun-Ra: The Forgotten God of Egypt!

Revealing the Secrets of Amun-Ra: The Forgotten God of Egypt!

On this video, we’ll discover the forgotten god Amun-Ra, who is thought for his mysterious worshipers and enigmatic energy.Amun-Ra is without doubt one of the most mysterious gods in historic Egyptian faith, and his worshipers had been a few of the most devoted and mysterious individuals in all of historic Egypt. On this video, we’ll … Read more

Aker – Historical Egyptian earth god and the deification of the horizon | Mythology and Historical past

Aker - Ancient Egyptian earth god and the deification of the horizon | Mythology and History

Aker was first depicted because the torso of a recumbent lion with a broadly opened mouth. Later, he was depicted as two recumbent lion torsos merged with one another and nonetheless wanting away from one another. From Center Kingdom onwards Aker seems as a pair of dual lions, one named Duaj (which means “yesterday”) and … Read more