MYTH of OSIRIS and SET | Egyptian MYTHOLOGY | How Osiris turned the GOD of the UNDERWORLD #shorts

MYTH of OSIRIS and SET | Egyptian MYTHOLOGY | How Osiris became the GOD of the UNDERWORLD #shorts

Resurrection is a reoccurring theme in several religions. In historical Egypt, the god Osiris was the one who resurrected and his resurrection was celebrated throughout Khoiak pageant. Throughout this pageant, totally different components of the parable of Osiris and Seth had been reenacted. This delusion explains how Osiris turned the god of the Underworld and … Read more

Egyptian Mythology in Below 4 Minutes

Egyptian Mythology in Under 4 Minutes

I’ve made so many movies about Egypt, a majority of the movies on my channel are on the Egyptian gods, however watching all of them would take a very long time, and most of these movies have been made years in the past, and fairly low high quality. So this video is a abstract of … Read more