The Deadliest & Most Bloodthirsty Goddess in All of Mythology

The Deadliest & Most Bloodthirsty Goddess in All of Mythology

Hey everybody, welcome to Mythology Defined. In right now’s video, we’ll be discussing Sekhmet. Within the pantheon of historic Egyptian deities, Sekhmet, the fierce and highly effective lioness goddess, holds a novel place, one in every of nice energy and significance. Her title, derived from the traditional Egyptian phrase “sekhem” which implies “energy” or “would … Read more

Geb, God of the Earth – Historical Egypt's Model of Gaia – Egyptian Mythology

Geb, God of the Earth - Ancient Egypt's Version of Gaia  - Egyptian Mythology

Hey everybody, welcome to Mythology Defined. In at the moment’s video, we’re going to debate Geb, the god of who personified the earth in Egyptian mythology, the Egyptian counterpart of Gaia, the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology. Let’s get into it. Geb was one of the vital necessary and one of the vital … Read more

Osiris Egyptian God of The Underworld (Egyptian Mythology)

Osiris Egyptian God of The Underworld (Egyptian Mythology)

Osiris the god of the Underworld and the decide of the Lifeless. He’s the primary born youngster of the gods Geb (Earth) and Nut (Sky). Osiris is usually depicted as a ravishing man sporting royal garments. He has the crown of Higher Egypt adorn his head, and carries the criminal and flail in every hand. … Read more

OSIRIS – God Of Life, Resurrection, Vegetation and King Of The Useless | Egyptian Mythology Defined

OSIRIS - God Of Life, Resurrection, Vegetation and King Of The Dead | Egyptian Mythology Explained

Osiris, based on the Egyptian mythology, was the god of Life, Resurrection, vegetation and King of the Underworld who dominated over the lifeless after Anubis. Osiris was the son of the Egyptian gods Geb and Nut. Osiris was the elder brother of his consort the goddesses Isis, Nephthys and brother of The god Seth (Set). … Read more

Egyptian Mythology | Isis and Osiris

Egyptian Mythology | Isis and Osiris

The traditional Egyptian fantasy story of Isis and Osiris. source