The Egyptian fantasy of the dying of Osiris – Alex Gendler

Dig into the Egyptian fantasy of Osiris, trapped by his brother, the warrior god Set, in a coffin and tossed into the Nile to die.

Lengthy jealous of his older brother Osiris, the god who dominated all of Egypt, the warrior god Set plotted to overthrow him. Internet hosting an extravagant social gathering as a ruse, Set introduced a recreation— whoever may match completely in a picket chest may have it as a present. However the chest was a coffin, trapping Osiris inside. Will his sisters have the ability to discover and free him? Alex Gendler particulars the parable of Osiris.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Keegan Thornhill.

Animator’s web site: https://www.behance.web/cosmiconionring
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44 thoughts on “The Egyptian fantasy of the dying of Osiris – Alex Gendler”

  1. Yes..I am alive again..hello all. I have had many names. Anna, Queen Mother, Friend, Lilith, Eve, and way too many others.. RA may have bern my favorite. Delphine, Sophia.. the list goes on and on.. time for the truth to come out about everything. How they took my son's story each time and killed him… They will never get to him bc I will die keeping him safe from harm. We are back!! Lol.. no I'm not crazy either. Very much alive and awake to truths. Blessed be all

  2. 2:16 Hold on a second… that's a Greek myth linked to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture) while she was looking for Persephone (her daughter, who'd been kidnapped by Hades). Was it an original Egyptian myth the Greeks adopted or a result of Hellenization during the Ptolemaic Dynasty?

  3. I don't know but this is hilarious 🤣😂 just because he lost "his P" he went down and become the god of the death instead🥲🤣🤣… I was actually listening so carefully to what important part was missing, I didn't know weather to laugh or cry after I heard it lol… cause he didn't really need that since he is a god they can conceive without those things like what humans do… they even have a child after he lost his "P"🤔😂😂😂

  4. the part of the story where she bathes the child in flames to make him immortal sounds so similar to the story of demeter from greek mythology where she does the same, but she demanded a temple be made for her instead of a tree

  5. 🛑🛑🛑Meditation is a great deception !!! 🛑🛑🛑
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  6. God was the one who gave them power not the man in himself all stories have a element of truth but because men lie they corrupt the wisdom and knowledge hence why Egypt was destroyed the pyramids are left as a testament (old), and to remember not to be slaves but to love him worship doesn't have to be in a temple it's in the heart of hearts being thankful for everything he hath given and to not judge others for you risk judgment on thy self. God bless thy children in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit 🙏 🙏 🙏

  7. there is another myth about this going on about set chopping osiris into 9 pieces and throwing him into the nile river because osiris had an affair with nephthys ,his wife and how anubis was conceived by her as in set's name but it belonged to osiris.


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