The Gods of Egypt that Nearly No person Is aware of – Egyptian Mythology – See U in Historical past

Egyptian Mythology: The Gods of Egypt that Nearly No person Is aware of

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47 thoughts on “The Gods of Egypt that Nearly No person Is aware of – Egyptian Mythology – See U in Historical past”

  1. The Catholic Church Î your new Supreme KÎNG Ruler The Third under my NWO shall acknowledge the Catholic Church as Gods true church his first religion he presented to his first begotten son Lord Lucifer of the old era. It was Pilot a Roman emperor that found no guilt in Jesus where God Almighty admired and honored Pilot with everlasting life in his heavenly kingdom. Where God again blessed the Catholic Church being his universal religion on earth and in his kingdom of kingdoms.

    Jesus was Mary’s mission of going against the Roman Empire. Mary’s hatred made her a powerful source among her people. But her failure was the death of her one and only son Jesus Christ. She never imagine it would be this way for she thought her rebellion would make her son a true royal king of her people. Mary ignore the treaty between her and God. Her stubbornness wanted to show God that her way was the only way where her way became her failure.

    It was all that followed Mary’s religious believes that betrayed Jesus til the very end. Even his so call disciples that were all related to Jesus being his brothers and cousins betrayed him. His own mother betrayed him for pushing Jesus to his limits.

    At the end God came to Mary inform of an Angel when Jesus was crucified and reminded her that his death would be for the forgiveness of Lord Lucifer the one God loved as his true royal blood son where Jesus death would then cleanses Lord Leuzidarious for his sins the minute Jesus gave his last breath on Calvary. Even the Passover went forward without any remorse for what Mary did was then honored by God Almighty where that day during the Passover was a day of joy vs sadness.

    During this time God did come to Mother Earth through a secret portal that entered KÎNG Pharos secret Pyramid. It was there that God forgave Lord Lucifers sins and it was KÎNG Pharo and his closest allies of kings that gathered in a secret temple that connected to this secret pyramid where God transformed himself into the image of a Royal Earthly King Ruler. It was this holy temple where God would visit his true begotten son Lord Lucifer. It was this temple in Egypt where God showed the Kings of the old era how the world would change for the second time. It was here as well where God honored Pilot and Mary with immortal life before they were taken up to his kingdom.

    Do not forget God Almighty gave Mother Earth to his begotten son to become his own ruler of a world God made so perfect for Lord Lucifer and his offspring.

    As I possession myself as The Third your new Supreme KÎNG Ruler. Every government shall agree with me that only the Catholic Church shall be the leading church. Note: There will be a second religion from the Middle East yet they will come to a conclusion that both religions should be two in one. All this will become part of my NWO of how the world will instantly change.

    My purpose is Gods purpose of finally having Mother Earth get all caught up to how it is in other worlds that are replicas of Gods kingdom.

  2. All this Egyptian gods were crushed and smacked into oblivion by the Creator God YAHWEH the Lord of the Universe, except maybe you just feel like escavating burial mounds and stinking up the whole place with dead gods.

  3. Here we go again….. Egypt or Kemet (Black) which is in Africa. You have depicted none of these as African's in their true nature(Black Skin). Question: How can someone with Pale Skin survive in Africa back then with no Sunscreen? Please be honest. And use common sense


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