The Historical past of Historical Egypt: One of many Most Magnificent Civilizations in Historical past -See U in Historical past

The Historical past of Historical Egypt: One of many Most Magnificent Civilizations in Historical past

#Egypt #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #Historical past #MythologyExplained


31 thoughts on “The Historical past of Historical Egypt: One of many Most Magnificent Civilizations in Historical past -See U in Historical past”

  1. 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬

  2. Portraying the Ancient Egyptians as Blacks is the most perverted thing I have seen in long time. You are so afraid of being called racists that you make the Ancient Egyptians whose DNA we have already sequenced and anayzed to look Sub-Saharan African.

  3. Everyone accepts that the "black" skinned people painted by ancient egyptians represent black people.
    But when it comes to the "brown" skinned characters, people start confusing themselves.
    And when it comes to the "light" skinned characters painted by egyptians, then people stop making sense all together.

  4. These images are deliberate an an attempt to confuse the global public with fake and phony representations of Kemet (Egypt). It's almost comical with outrageous propaganda.

  5. I love history but when I see inaccurate physical depictions, I lose interest. The Ancient Egyptians left their image carved on granite and painted on walls.

    This is the only society that is depicted totally different. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, Chinese and others look exactly how their images, paintings and statues depicted them.

    So any good information is automatically useless.


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