The Last Discovery In Egypt That Scares Scientists!

On this video, we discover the most recent discovery in Egypt that has left scientists and archaeologists surprised. The invention sheds new gentle on the historical past of historic Egypt and raises some disturbing questions. We take a detailed take a look at the artifacts and proof discovered on the web site, in addition to the theories and speculations which have emerged because of this. Be a part of us on this journey of discovery as we delve into the thriller surrounding this unimaginable discover and discover what it may imply for our understanding of Egypt’s previous. Get able to be shocked and amazed by the ultimate discovery in Egypt that scares scientists!


43 thoughts on “The Last Discovery In Egypt That Scares Scientists!”

  1. Scusate ma in italiano questo video non può essere fatto?… In inglese non sempre capiamo cosa sta dicendo… dopo un po' che guardi questo video ti scocci di non capirci nulla per la lingua inglese e passi al video successivo 😮‍💨🫤😕

  2. I think we have texnoloji to find out the structure of the stones . Lock likes some buddy is trading to find out the magician texknoloji which we don’t know , and it dos not resist .

  3. Akhenaten’s later depictions look strange because he was going back to an older Egyptian art style. His earlier statues, before he was pharaoh, look very similar to everyone else’s. The change was just artistic. Some of the theories given in this doc are absurd

  4. Did ya'll know that google owns the patent to adrenchrome. I dove into a rabbit hole one day quite by accident & found this out, then in the middle of my dive up popped mark z face & his new meta logo & shut down my oxygen supply. I wrote it all down & haven't been diving since.

  5. It's amazing how these scientist's today claim that these were primitive people, I'd like to see ANYONE today build a pyramid, they can't, nothing close, these people were more advanced than we could ever be!

  6. The pyramids contains a lot more mysteries as matematics, history, astronomy, physics, mechanics, secret formulas, chemicals, and other technologicals…Our brain are too small to know more…(srry for my little English)

  7. While I enjoy learning more about Egyptian history, I don't like the fact that a lot of items have been removed and put on display. Those who remove them are no better than grave robbers. These people would be upset if people dug up their relatives' graves, but its some how ok to disrespect the Acient Egyptians tombs????

  8. Akkanattin had a gene disorder alright ? he suffered from reptilianism complicated by narcissistic and megalomaniacal perverted tendencies towards his slitherin' sister and humanity in large. In short he was a poo poo head.

  9. I always thought the pyramids of Giza were built by Giants. After all, there are pyramids on all of the continents. However, no idea who the architect would be.

  10. The Fallen Angels build the pyramids and everything else. They brought their knowledge from heaven when they were cast out! Anyone see chisel marks on anything? They are all perfectly made and all the same size etc. I have been to Egypt and seen it with my own eyes. There’s no way they were made made..

  11. About the pyramids i def dont believe it was built by us. I think if it was built by humans we def would of use more reasonable sized brick/blocks. It doesnt make sense that humans would use monster blocks and lift them up on top and have to drag them so far away to place them. I def feel like we are missing something here about the pyramids and how/who/why they were made!

  12. Why are they bothering the dead smh don't be surprised a curse is put upon u from digging up people last resting place white man ALWAYS bothering something i hope when the Aliens come back they attack the privilege people they are the only ones who always want to investigate things just like the gov bothering space leave them alone the white man tare down wood interrupting animal home just to build homes.LEAVE NATURE AND DEAD BODIES AND SPACE ALONE MY GOD no wonder the chimp said man is STUPID because man is destroying the earth.and nature

  13. Maybe the tools are absent because the builder's took them home when they finished the work, like people do these days.
    I'm having a hard time believing that the elite and governments are mystified by any discoveries found today and I believe they absolutely know these things would be discovered because they were told the earth would eventually give up her hidden things and they're already prepared with the preconceived lies they have told and continue doing.
    I love Egyptian culture and am intrigued and mean no offense in saying I'm pretty sure they never created ANY OF THE ARTIFACTS, similarly, no average human, like us, all over the world are responsible for anything but discoveries and excavations.
    It's ridiculous that sooooooo…
    Many people claim to be Christian and I'm willing to bet at least or most only around 30 percent have actually done more with their Bible than carry it to church to sit prettily in their laps while they listened to some dude preach the gospel truth and just believed him, "cuz preacher," wouldn't lie, but yes he definitely does as some of us who actually READ would notice when the words didn't match the context, and of course we can't get through thick headed, closed minded, and TOO LAZY to look for themselves and continue believing and DEFENDING, WHATEVER STUPID RELIGION THEY FOLLOW, without really knowing for sure what is the real story of the creation of mankind, among many other things in the Bible they still preach to the deaf, dumb and blind congregations of false religion…here's my point though,….
    A Huge amount of people who don't want to stop believing we aren't a bunch of rejects as a result of insert and start seeing the proof under their noses that giants created the massive structures when they were inhabiting the earth, probably for thousands of years before they were destroyed, as any "Christian," would know the Bible recorded their existence at Genesis 6:4 in the first book of the old testament, incase you didn't know, and that we are the descendents of genetic manipulation as recorded in the Samarian cuneiform tablets that predate the Bible by around 36.000 years or so…
    The majority are people claiming to be Christian that are denying what was written and some of it,is worth noting, they should, cuz a lot is deliberately confused by those elite and governments who are laughing cuz they think the people are fools…🤔
    It just floors me. 🙄

  14. Believing in my ancestors headfirst🙌 technology of the first light bulbs, which was used from , electrical power by Eel wit oval-shaped made possibly from clay or bamboo 🤔 rope .. Thank God mastering of design civilizations historical context ..🙏🏾

  15. I dont think it was a pointless chamber at all I think it was a water shaft and they would fill it and float the huge stones to the top and I think the ark of the covenant was a solid gold box filled with copper and iron spools that sat on the very top of the largest pyramid. Those cherims were actually designed like that so that once elctricity such as lightning or from the current of the water sort of like a hydro dam makes contact they become the worlds very first circuit. With the way the pyramids were originally designed the whole outer layer would act as an insulator and the solid gold cap would be the ground and its built into a diamond not a pyramid and the bottom is the exact same way becoming one huge conductor which is how the pharoah was able to turn night into day and was called god and all powerful. He somehow knew how electricity worked and used the elements. Now once filled with water that same electricity would be able to float the massive stones to where they wanted them. Then they would use millions of slaves and hundreds to thousands of african elephants to pull them into their final places. Now 1 or 2 elephants would be almost impossible moving up hill at a 40° angle but a couple hundred to a few thousand african elephants can pull some crazy crazy weight. One african elephant can push a pretty big tree right over roots and all. Now two or three hundred or thousand could most def pull those massive stones the rest of the way even if they did weigh a few tone each. Now it would take a really long time and alot of elephants and slaves would have died doing that kind of extensive work but they knew it would be worth it in the end. Now look here we are in 2023 and we still dont know exactly how they did it we can only guess so they were right it was definitely worth it. That's also why they sent an army to find the ark once it was stolen it was the key to the pharaohs powers. Without that he could no longer turn night into day making his followers begin to lose faith. Again that's just my opinion or theory if you will. I know this is a book lol with no punctuation and alot of run on sentences but after a 13 hr shift I'm to worn out to do all that lol.. also they claim that there were atleast 10 arks and only 6 have been found the main one people are still searching for and have since it was stolen was the famed ark that held the holy grail. Now I know people say the holy grail was a cup that Jesus drank from and there is even a guy who said he found that one and it had Jesus blood and DNA which was still alive and had 24 chromosomes which only come from the mother or the one who creates life and it was found under the spot where Jesus was crucified atleas that's what the guy claims. I think and again just my opinion I think the holy grail is particular metals or device made out of the metals used to create the energy to light not only the pyramid but the sky around it for miles. That is why people had to wear special clothing to even touch the ark the current would cause burned flesh nose bleeds and finger nails to fall off and hair to fall out as if they had some type of radiation poisoning. If you grab an electric fence bare handed even at a small voltage it can cause some serious damage grab that same fence with rubber gloves and nothing. Seeing as most of the Egyptians wore precious metals as jewelry or clothing touching a metal box with an electric current would have been a horrible idea without the proper protection which is why those who touched it without rubber gloves and boots died immediately they were basically electrocuted they turned themselves into a human circuit.

  16. How do you know that it's the final discovery?? Use the correct words otherwise you going to lie to us and insult our intelligence. Do you possibly think there's nothing else to be discovered in Kermit. I Love your channel but learn to title your shit properly. Don't use words that are unnecessary and untrue!

  17. gaslighting us the lightbulbs is really egypts creation story and no soot come on they found new decorated celing after removed centuarys worth of go on have a guess what was covering the celing yes you got it soot now disapointed because now i can't belive anything you say how dare you say things you know are untruths the makers of this tripe should never make another trying to take centuarys worth of egypts story god forbid if it ever got in to a school shame the real story is so good why not next time the aliens come catch a ride it's gone from shameful to ridiculous you shameful idiots if the lightbulbs worked where are they in the kings tombs there are millions of artifacts not one lightbulb or lenths of wire unless ETcame an took them maybe the flashing lights might have blown if their U.F.O. an needed replacements quick lucky they where on their holidays in egypt youfools

  18. A river ran under the earth and the pyramid is built as a diamond so its as above so below. The cold from the underground would level out the heat from above ground. And using Oxen is how they moved large stones.

  19. just when they thought they'd figured out everything there is to know? are u you for real? they haven't figured any thing out about how, or when it was built…🤡


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