The Most Revered Egyptian Gods and Goddesses – Egyptian Mythology

Crucial, fascinating and revered gods and goddesses of Historical Egypt.

Osiris – one of the crucial well-known gods of Egyptian mythology, God of loss of life, rebirth and regeneration.

Seth – the principle villain in Egyptian Mythology.

Isis – The goddess of fertility and motherhood.

Horus – the falcon god.

Sobek- the crocodile god of the Nile.


Ra – the solar god, the creator and chief of the Universe.

Bastet – cat goddess of conflict (minor goddess of the Moon).

Thoth – ibis-headed god (god of the moon).

Ptah – creator of world.

Hathor – the patron goddess of girls, love, magnificence, pleasure and music.

Amun – he’ll later mix with the sun-god Ra , turning into (Amun-Ra).

Tawaret – goddess of fertility.

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2 thoughts on “The Most Revered Egyptian Gods and Goddesses – Egyptian Mythology”

  1. A handful of mistranslations and misinterperatations of historians and researchers. I'm limited in what I can cover as I can only speak about those I've met directly, but I'll go with what I've got. (By the way, Well done with the video script and editing! Your research reflects what's been translated, but those very sources haven't got it all right)

    I'll let Anubis being considered a Jackal slide since Y'all wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth of his natural form. I didn't at first and I've been face to face with him. A few times. To be fair, the Egyptians hadn't ever seen his true form in the wild before, so they just went with what was close in appearance (…and behavior).

    Horus is actually the elder brother of Ra and is also Odin of the Norse Pantheon and Zeus of the Greek Pantheon — They are the same being under different roles for different cultures.

    Osiris, the god of wine, is an excellent friend of the rest of the major pantheon and is an elder version of Dionysus of the Greek pantheon, who in that pantheon, is also the god of wine (and is usually pretty inebriated).

    Bastet and Sekhmet are one in the same being; Bastet being her more calm and less aggressive self and Sekhmet being the rage and war aspect of her. One of the oldest names I have for Bastet comes from the Babylonian era under the name of Ishtar, which is probably her third iteration following her original appearance with Sobek and Odin under the group name 'Annunaki'. During this time, Anubis was actually what we would consider a toddler and can be seen in an image (that is found in another video elsewhere on Youtube) being held by the being we call today Odin.

    Anubis himself is also Hermes from the Greek pantheon and Mercury from the Roman pantheon.

    I haven't been introduced to Sobek personally as I have Anubis, Bastet/Sekhment, and Horus, but I believe he is an allied party to the major deities. Given that he is said to have merged with Horus, that tells me he simply left the Kingdom to follow another role in another culture, as was common among the ancient gods. They used the Rules of Reincarnation to their advantage, which in turn helps us as a society.

    However, following the Greek era, it was agreed that the gods would greatly restrict their involvement with humans, only involving themselves when requested OR when in times of great need. Not only did this include the main group of deities, it also included their allies, such as Sobek's people – the Draconics, who were best known for their roles in East Asian culture.


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