Who’s the Egyptian God Amun-Ra ?

Probably the most well-known gods in Egyptian mythology was the solar god Ra. Ra was the supreme deity of the pantheon and the ruler of the heavens. He was stated to be the creator of the world and all that’s in it, and he was revered because the supply of all life and light-weight.
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22 thoughts on “Who’s the Egyptian God Amun-Ra ?”

  1. Jesus in Ancient Egypt: Ancient Igbo Egyptian Religion: Osiris, Horus and Isis. (Isaiah 19:25) whom the lord hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed be Egypt, my people, and Assyria, the work of my hands, and Israel, my heritage." Egypt (Greek: Egyptos; Igbo language: a go Ya a pa atu, meaning "prays to God and Carries out His instructions'), Assyria: (Igbo language: osa a si Ya re, meaning 'the people who tell Almighty God to resolve') and Israel (Igbo language: I zara Eli, meaning you answered the Most High'), refer to the different past names of the Ancient Igbo people.

    The Ancient Igbo Cosmology and Religious worldwide could be seen from Ancient Igbo Egypt to Ancient Igbo land in Nigeria. The linkages across the millennia has been traced by the academicians. western Egyptologists mistransliterated and misvowelized the names of the principal Gods in Ancient Egypt. Here are the correct meanings and the Original Igbo Egyptian Gods.

    Osiris (Igbo language: O ziri Ose, meaning 'He sent the God') was the name of Almighty God. The wife of Osiris was called Isis (Igbo Language: I zi sa [Ozioma] meaning ('spread the good news') was the mother of Horus (Igbo language: Iho Orisa, or Iho Orie isa, meaning 'Divine Light word of Almighty God'). Isis was called the Virgin Mary (Igbo language: O were ogo nuo, Amara Ya, meaning 'got married to the Divine Mercy, by the Grace of Almighty God'), with reference to [Luke 1:35] The angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be called Son of God. The Egyptian Ra (Igbo language: Orie, meaning 'Almighty god') is another name of Almighty God in the Egyptian Igbo language. The main opposition to Osiris was Set (Igbo language: isi ete, meaning 'head of grave sins') also mistransliterated as Satan (Igbo language: Isi ete inu, meaning 'head of bitter grave sins).

    Horus (Igbo language: Iho Orisa, meaning 'Divine Light word of Almighty God'). is the main rival of Set for control of the cosmic and social order, in a violent conflict that was won by Horus to restore the Egyptian Maat (Igbo language: maa atu, meaning 'to be a role model'). The high point of the conflict was the resurrection of Horus from death after His crucifixion on the cross. The Igbo Egyptian conception of Life, After-Life, cosmic and social order is the same as the Christian Igbo of Nigeria to this day.

    The word Amun was derived from letters "m n" pronounced as "oma Emu" meaning "High Temple. it was at El-Karnak derived from "l k r n k" (Igbo language: ala akara, naa aka,") meaning (the land on which the line was drawn to make a bet") that the showdown between Moses and Pharaoh Rameses II took place years earlier, at the Great Temple of AMUN-Re (Igbo language (oma Enu Orie, meaning high temple of Almighty God.) The word "Ra" is derived from letter "R" pronounced as "Orie" meaning Almighty God". The word "Moses" was derived from "m s s" pronounced as "omo si Ose" meaning child from Almighty God or child from the riverside". Moses also pronounced as "omo isi osa". meaning (the anointed head of the people.) as a title. Re Or Ra is Almighty God the Creator, not a deity or some gods. The word Amen simply means (Thank You.) and pronounced as (I meena) written with the letter (m n). the word Pharaoh was derived from the letters f h pronounced as ("efere oha" meaning your worship of the people.) I disagreed with your teachings because you cannot read or understand hieroglyph. There are important linguistic differences between hieroglyphics (Greek: "hieros". meaning. "sacred' and "glyph". Meaning "Carving": Igbo Language…iho e ro, e gee olu ife a kaa,..meaning. The things you think about, when you listen to the sounds. (phonemic clues) of the object mentioned) and English. So, Ancients Egyptians are IGBOS that spoke IGBO language. So-called Hebrew language is also IGBO language. Hieroglyphics are written without vowel sounds (a,e,i,o,u) but only written sounds of consonants. This creates several ambiguities, which make it difficult, especially for non- indigenous speakers of Igbo language, from which the hieroglyphs and Hebrew scripts were derived. It also means that, sometimes western Egyptologists may not know for sure what a particular word sounded like, since they can only estimate (usually from the equivalent word in Coptic) what the sound may have been. Western Egyptologists tend to use the vowel "e", to fill in hieroglyphic. which would not the case in Igbo language, where there are many additional vowel sounds. The word Amun – Re was derived from letters. ("m n R" pronounced as. oma Enu Orie, meaning High Temple of Almighty God"). the word Amen was derived from ("m n pronounced as "i meena". simply means "Thank you".)

    The son of God, who is described as the WORD (Igbo language: iwu Orie e du. meaning the laws of God Almighty, that guides.) Horus was derived from (h r s. pronounced as iho Orie i sa ) meaning. (The divine light of God's response.) Western Egyptologist mistranslated it as HORUS.

  2. πŸ™ŒπŸΌβ€οΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ™πŸΌπŸŒŸπŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈβšœοΈπŸ§¬πŸ’šβš–οΈπŸŒβœ¨πŸ™πŸΌ

  3. I love Egyptian culture! So beautiful what black people created but continued 2 b white washed! ✊🏿πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¬ Blacks built those pyramids! Not πŸ‘½ aliens. It's funny how they depicted they self black but but white people continue 2 make them white looking! 🀣 Last time I checked EGYPT is in AFRICA! πŸŒπŸ€”just saying! They clearly painted themselves black are u people retarded or blind?

  4. Re was the first Born from the Waters of Chaos on the Hill of Bennu or Benben.from the Egg the Bennu bird (Phoenix) laid upon the hill.

    Though Re may be referred to as the Child of or Reincarnation of the Phoenix…
    What most don't know is Thoth was that Bennu Phoenix ….

    Thoth is like Galactus…


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