Who’s Thoth? The Egyptian God of Writing, Magic, the Moon and Destiny who Grew to become Hermes Trismegistus

Thoth was among the many most complicated and mysterious gods of the traditional Egyptian world. His origins misplaced to time, he would turn out to be the deity of writing, heka (magic), the moon and destiny. He would help within the resurrection of Osiris, intercede on the a part of justice (ma’at) within the dispute between Horus and Set and go on to turn out to be worshiped at Hermopolis as Lord of the Ogdoad. Within the Greco-Roman interval he can be fused with Hermes changing into Hermes Trismegistus, legendary founding father of airtight philosophy and the occult sciences of alchemy, magic and astrology. Be part of me on this episode as I discover the origins of Thoth!

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#egypt #thoth #occult #magic #alchemy

Beneficial Readings:

Boylan – Thoth The Hermes Of Egypt: A Examine Of Some Facets Of Theological Thought In Historic Egypt – 978-1480040151
Pinch – Egyptian Mythology – 978-0195170245
Wilkinson – Full Gods and Goddesses of Historic Egypt – 978-0500284247

Jasnow & Zauzich – Conversations within the Home of Life – 978-3447101165
Teeter – Faith and Ritual in Historic Egypt – 978-0521613002
Lichtheim – Historic Egyptian Literature (3 vol) – 978-0520248427
Wilkinson – Writings from Historic Egypt – 978-0141395951


23 thoughts on “Who’s Thoth? The Egyptian God of Writing, Magic, the Moon and Destiny who Grew to become Hermes Trismegistus”

  1. Hi! I love your YouTube videos, and also struggle to understand a lot of what you say when you teach content. Are there any beginners books you would recommend to me or other beginners? I am an adult, and have a decent vocabulary. Not at your level though for a lot of the content. To be able to follow along more smoothly. Anyway, if you have time please, I would appreciate any book recommendations for beginners!

  2. Thank You Dr. Sledge for your amazing Channel and Scholarly documentaries. I have been watching them for several months now, and you are one of the most enjoyable educators on this topic on YouTube. I feel I can also speak in a more educated manner on these topics as a result of your high regard for historical and anthropological accuracy. I just bought one of your Thoth shirts to support your Channel. Shana Tovah and Blessings for the New Year.

  3. Bless you – I have no idea how tf I would have gotten a foothold in this literature base without your videos. All of this + your videos about Federici & the role of the history of primitive accumulation which serves as the basis for the gameplay / lore for both the Games Bloodborne ANd Elden Ring


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