Why Did Seth Kill His Brother? Egyptian Mythology #shorts #mythology #legendary #egyptianmythology

One of the despised gods in historic Egypt was Set, the son of Geb (earth) and Nut (heaven). He was Osiris’ youthful brother, and in his youth, he was credited with defending Ra and aiding Ra in his victory over the large serpent Apep. Later, Set was extremely envious of Osiris’ success in governing the Egyptian realm. Nephthys, Set’s spouse, pretended to be Osiris’ spouse Isis so as to have intercourse with him and provides start to her son Anubis. Set’s fury over her treachery overflowed right into a scheme for retaliation in opposition to Osiris.

The traditional Egyptians used this occasion to clarify why the Nile River flooded yearly by putting Osiris in a coffin and drowning him. To stop Isis from resurrecting him utilizing any of her magic, he disassembled him after drowning him, eliminated him from the casket, and dispersed his items all throughout the planet. Set believed his kingdom was safe as a result of Osiris had no extra heirs.

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47 thoughts on “Why Did Seth Kill His Brother? Egyptian Mythology #shorts #mythology #legendary #egyptianmythology”

  1. Seth never went for Anubis, some legends say his father may have been Ra.. besides Nephthys powers were hidden and no one would be willing to fuk with her in a negative way πŸ˜‰

  2. Cain set soul female versikn isis
    Abel Osiris soul felmae vedsiom isis

    Nephtus just another girl with the name isis

    Set and seth set was made into seth or cain on abel borj made into seth

    Nephtus another nerpthew

  3. My guy was right being mad😑 not only was he the only one who couldn't have kids and was looked down on, his wife cheats on him with the succesful brother and gets pregnant? And he's supposed to be cool about it?

  4. Enki / Osiris it's the god in the Bible who said let US create mankind in OUR own image and likeness he's the god who told Adam and Eve the truth. For literally tens of thousands of years black people worshiped Osiris Isis and Thoth They never thought of or needed a savior until we met YT. Now black people worship the evil God in the Bible that white people worship.

    Black family Our people were never religious.We were always spiritual people.The Egyptian gods teachings was holy, pure, divine and spiritual. It was the teachers of Christ consciousness that the colonizers destroyed.

    Enlil /Seth is the evil, jealous god in the Bible who told Adam and Eve do not eat off the tree of knowledge. He lied to Adam and Eve,he told them that they would die if they pull or eat fruit from the tree of knowledge.

    The unholy colonizer/church depicted the black god our creator of man as a serpent in the Bible and called him evil the devil and Lucifer.

    Behold the treachery and lies of the church. Sense Adam and Eve obey their creator. It means that Adam and Eve did not commit a sin. therefore we were not born into sin Enki / Osiris our Creator did not give up his only begotten Son for our sins. Behold the lies and treachery of the colonizers.

    Based on history the only people that did unholy things to people raped, tortured, enslaved and committed all kind of unholy, inhuman, demonic,evil acts you can say and argue successfully that white people were born into sin not us.

  5. Set actually predates osiris. It wasn't until later when the osiris cult rose to power when set was identified with infertility, foreigners, and evil. To me, set is a chaotic good kinda like the hindu god shiva

  6. That's okay most of these stories are lies anyway. That's why God created Ammit the devourer of souls and lake of fire that owns everyone's souls and soul contact for when the game gets annoying Ammit just eats them. The second and final death. This jealousy nonsense is for children in diapers in a universe still in diapers. The God's forgetting God created them. Making immortals mortal immediately. Great awakening it's amazing.

  7. The cosmos gave birth in pairs as everything has its polar opposite. Also they were all siblings. The first love triangle. Nepthys was jealous of her sister isis & wanted to be with her brother

  8. Yes this just confirmed The Book's of Enoch and Isis has Wing's that's an indication her father was a Fallen Angel out of The Watcher's.

    Means The Ancient Stories are True.

  9. I thought Seth had been confused by the Egyptian's regarding Seth being the 3rd Son born to replace the loss of Abel murdered by Cain.

    Since I've been reading The Book's of Enoch& The Book's of Jubilees I figured that the name Seth would of been common in Ancient Earth's Time due too that's the equivalent of common name's today Billy/John/or a Sean.

    Not too mention out of God's Angel's a few of them probably has the name of Seth.


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