Why No one Performs Egyptian God Help

5 years in the past I talked about why no one performs Slifer, Obelisk, and Ra. In the present day we’re EVERY Egyptian God assist card to see why no one performs these, both.

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Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/@CptKlingberg

Thumbnail made by: https://www.youtube.com/c/CrushCards

#YuGiOh #dzeeff


50 thoughts on “Why No one Performs Egyptian God Help”

  1. It’s too late 🤷🏼‍♂️ everyone else’s deck is so fucking bat shit crazy hard to follow that when I came back to the game saying “DAMMM LOOK AT WHAT THESE CARDS DO” I’m left thinking “it’s just too late..” it would have been nice for gods to live up to the hype back in the day, but they didn’t. And still don’t 🙁

  2. One of the biggest failings of some the continuous Ra spells is the fact they're continuous, and aren't just spells that can banish from grave like Ancient Chant, because that leaces them INCREDIBLY vulnerable to even something as simple as an MST, which will kill even the activated effects BECAUSE they're continous spells

  3. The gods shouldnt be affected by others cards effects. If they release some card like "Pay half your life points, for the rest of this game, cards wich original Type are Divine Beast are unnefeted by other cards effect" or something like this. Maybe a equip wich cost you life points every turn and cant be destroyd once a turn. Idk…

  4. Creator of Light can actually be decent in Traditional. It's not that hard to banish the 3 god cards then summon all of them with Dimension Fusion. That said if you're playing Traditional there's probably 100 other things you could be doing.

  5. I play a Ra/slime deck was the first deck I built and absolutely consistency is an issue. You either come out swinging hard or brick half the time. Through constant play testing I have made Ra much more competitive and won matches off of him but god slime is often more useful. It takes skill to play Ra and not get stomped and drawing immortal is bad always which is why I keep cards like feather of the Phoenix on me to discard it if I draw it into my hand. Sphere mode is awesome and easy disciples would be better if it drew Ra from the deck which it should since Ra is weak enough as it is as a deck. One of the things that is good though is my opponent cannot steal him nor his other forms from my graveyard. My deck has gotten very expensive due to my constant rarity upgrades 7:22 but it’s a fun challenge trying to make Ra competitive when he clearly isn’t. I beat a meta toon deck in person with it once which made me feel good and have won more games than I should with it, but it’ll never be meta good. The support card should have way more chain options and search options since all the top deck can and that at the end of the day is what’s making the support lacking to me is the lack of real search

  6. Basically Konami is straight up idiots!!
    Why? Because rather than making a ton of support to make it even harder to play the God cards.. they could’ve simply made an Errata version with actual effects that protect the gods and make them competitive in modern Yugioh, like protection from other non-divine monsters effects and from spells/traps that destroy or target… and at least gave them their damn actual effects that were presented in the show in a modern way
    Because to make all this effort to summon a supposedly GOD and gets destroyed by mirror force or Dragoon or any other card is purely nonsense

  7. Quick question when it comes to "Thunderforce Attack". It says that the effects of the card cannot be negated. So does that mean if you use it and your opponent is running a Vennominaga deck, would Vennominaga also be destroyed? Or even better, would "Fist of Fate" work in negating Phoenix Mode or Vennominaga despite their own card texts reading they are unaffected by other cards?

  8. Other cards do the job better without the limitations made on them because their gods. Worst part is their are better boss monsters than the gods themselves and to be honest this is sad. It be great if they got the exodia treatment but the best thing they can do cards that allow the God cards to work with other archetypes. The God card ra would work very well with psychic cards as they can manipulate life points which is key to ras abilities. Obelisk would be amazing in a fiend deck or even summon skull. Sky dragon is harder but I think any magician deck or dragon deck would work. Since it's connected to having a strong hand dark magician decks where it's focus on countering, bring cards from the graveyard back to the hand and controlling what goes into the hand would be perfect for slifer. So it's not just not focus on having the biggest hand but the best quality hand and by using it to counter your opponent you risk you boss monster losing strength to counter your opponent.

  9. I have a possible hot take, because despite not even playing in like 10 years, I think that SOME cards got done dirty over the years and should legit be given irl respect. Like seriously respected.

    Not for some BS lore thing (though some of the lore/flavor text IS actually kinda cool). No, IMO, the Egyptian God Cards, Blue eyes, Red Eyes, Dark Magician, Exodia, Blue eyes Shining, Pyramid of Light, Jinzo, Exodia, and a few others should all be treated wirh at least a modicum of reverence by any yugioh players OR fans in general for a simple reason; they were so cool during their anime appearances that its entirely logical to say that in many cases (case in point: egyptian gods during battle City) those cards are almost singlehandedly responsible for keeping the series (and the TCG by extension) afloat when the popularity may have otherwise dropped off.

    Whether they played well in the TCG or not (the EGC SHOULD have been much harder to play, but nearly unbeatable IMO, they are literal divine beings afterall, same for sacred beasts, pyramid of light, and seal of oricalcos) they were just so cool in terms of the overall brand, they should be treated as if they were made of gold

  10. Hey hear me out…… Mini tournament with MBT, farfa, lukevonkarma and yourself. Each with a deck highlighting one egyptian god or the sacred beasts. Maybe expand it and do the wicked gods too. Could be funny to see how you guys do.

  11. Compared to Ra and Slifer, Obelisk's Support is just painful and boring, Obelisk is already weaker than Slifer, and its supports are also weaker and less effective. It's just kinda sad to see Obelisk Deck just traight up weaker than Slifer


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