Egyptian mythology defined ! (Heliopolis Ennead)

A fast summery of one of many delusion of historic Egypt , the story of the “Heliopolis ennead”


5 thoughts on “Egyptian mythology defined ! (Heliopolis Ennead)”

  1. First: I like your video and the way you present the subject.
    I think a vocal narration could enhance it. I could be mistaken.

    Next: the basis (source) of the Egyptian Ennead are numbers. Seriously.

    The 'gods' are infinite, eternal, everywhere. They are numbers.

    0 = Nun (nullity before creation)
    1 = Ra or Atum (self created, arising from nothing)
    2 = Shu (as 1+1, created by Ra)
    3 =Tefnut (as 1+1+1, created by Ra)
    4 = Geb (created by Ra)
    5 = Nut (created by Ra)
    6 = Osiris (created by Ra)
    7 = Isis (created by Ra)
    8 = Seth (created by Ra. Chaos, disorder, confusion…)
    9 = Nephthys (created by Ra)

    10 = Horus (the return of [1] Ra or renewal of Osiris)

    The gods are metaphors for ten numerical digits, 0 to 9.

    Except for zero,, Ra 'creates' all numbers regardless of how the story is told. Shu and Tefnut could not make Geb and Nut (etcetera) if not for the existence of Ra who is 1, the first numerical digit and number.

    The basis for this is a simple signature found in varied forms in ancient Egypt.

    The signature is the equation
    [(1/81) =0.0123456790123…]

    It is an infinite decimal number that repeats nine digits (the ennead) in counting order.

    It begins with zero which is not a "created" god. The created gods are the digits one to nine.

    Observe that the digit for the number eight is not expressed in the result.

    Eight is the position of the hidden god. It is Amun (the hidden one).

    Eight is the position of Seth (confusion, dsorder, deception…etc.) because the qualities attributed to Seth apply to the digit that should by expectation be in its proper place but is not in the mathematical result.

    It is confusing and seems out of order that the digit is (missing or hidden?).

    The Egyptisn gods are numbers.

    And, each pyramid is a manifestation of (and represents) the Ennead.

    A pyramid under the sun in the sky is
    [(triangular sides = 3 with 4 faces],
    which implies
    (3 on base raised to 4) or simply (3⁴) = 81.
    The sun in the sky is Ra [1].
    A pyramid as such represents (1 over 81) or (1/81) = the Ennead.

    "Time fears the pyramids" because the pyramids are the gods and the gods are numbers.

    Time might have an end but numbers are everything, everywhere and infinite.
    Consider if there is space without time,, there will still be numbers..
    Numbers are existence.

    Numbers are the gods.

    Your video is great so I thought to share this tidbit of information.


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